IT Outsourcing with Belarus – current situation and options

This is the record of our joint webinar with

German Eastern Business Association and German-Belarusian Businessclub.

You could wach it on our You-Tube-Channel:

Belarus is one of the most promising and inspiring countries for IT-services in Europe. However, the current political environment triggers some concerns with European customers. Therefore, we must talk about it – preferably with independent experts who share the most relevant insights.

Our Speakers:
Stefan Kägebein, Regional Director Eastern Europe, German Eastern Business Association

Stephan Hoffmann, Managing Director, German-Belarusian Businessclub and Managing Director, North IT Group and

Matthias Karius, who has done countless analyses on nearshoring-countries and its IT service providers for IBM.

Facts & figures, general situation assessments and a practical customer experience from working with companies from Belarus.




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