The four greatest challenges of our time

Germany is an economically strong country, but the country is facing major structural challenges. In order to remain one of the most competitive economies in the world, it is necessary to adapt to new economic and social developments. This is the only way to take advantage of the immense opportunities that present themselves in a changing economic world.

The four greatest challenges of the time are:

  • Digitalization
  • Decarbonization
  • Demographic change
  • De-globalization

In a major study from 2021, the German Economic Institute (IW) analyzed the four disruptive tendencies, examined the concrete impact and opportunities for companies and formulated recommendations for action for politicians.

This creates a particular pressure to change and a need for rapid action. Unfortunately, it is frightening how slowly the rethinking and the start of the necessary changes in entrepreneurial circles are taking place. Strategic answers are required, but also the most proactive approach possible.

IT nearshoring offers a possible solution to all these tendencies and can be used as a game changer. Nearshoring is a strategic lever and develops growth and transformation potential in the company by ensuring the availability of the necessary resources.

We at dc nearshoring want to combine Germany's need for innovation and innovative strength with the great IT innovation and technical skills of our neighbour countries.

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