Sales Partner Program


Become our Sales Partner and maximize your earning potential!

Ready to boost your income in the IT industry?

dc nearshoring is seeking dedicated Sales Partners who work on a self-employed basis and want to maximize their earning potential. Whether you're an experienced professional, a computer science student, or a tech enthusiast - you can optimize your income with us.

Our offers for Sales Partners:

  • Attractive commissions: Benefit from a commission of 30% on the generated gross margin.

  • Long-term benefits: Enjoy commissions due over 5 years.

  • Customer exclusivity: Protect your market segment and build long-term relationships.
  • Minimal effort: Focus on building contacts in the IT industry, we'll take care of the rest.

Ready for the next step? Seize the opportunity for a rewarding partnership - let's embark on this journey together today!

Contact us!

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