The obstacles of digitization in Germany

Digitization represents both opportunities and challenges for the German economy. However, there is no general definition of digitization. This can be viewed as a production factor that serves to improve various aspects of business and is a long-term and very dynamic process. Digitization includes the development, implementation and dissemination of new technologies. The high speed of digitization opens up a wide range of new possibilities, for example, to quickly optimize processes.

There are significant differences in the status of digitization. Large companies move particularly quickly. There are also industry differences. The information and communication industry is leading the way. Most companies are well aware of digitization's importance: around two-thirds of companies attach great importance to digitization in the next five years, according to a survey by the German Economic Institute in 2021.

What are the reasons for the slow advance of digitization in Germany? One of the biggest obstacles is the lack of experts. Unsatisfactory digital infrastructure, lack of clarity about the benefits and insufficiently developed e-government are other factors.

For a digital transformation, companies depend on the know-how and skills of IT talent. A solution to these problems can be IT nearshoring from neighbour countries with a focus on the EU. By using IT services from companies in the vicinity of the client, a short response time and improved communication can be guaranteed in addition to securing resources for new projects.

We must also emphasize that IT nearshoring brings challenges of its own. Companies must ensure they find the right partner and handle communication challenges. This is especially true for small and medium-sized companies that don't have the resources of a large corporation. It would help if you had a competent and reliable partner who, in addition to nearshoring advice, also offers support in choosing the IT nearshoring service suppliers.

dc nearshoring has a constantly growing network of 32 nearshoring partner companies in 19 countries that have been carefully screened in advance. This enables us to select the best IT nearshoring service provider for your specific needs. We also help our customers to establish the best possible communication culture with the new nearshoring partner. In this way, companies from the DACH region can use the full potential of IT nearshoring for their digitization processes.

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