How IT nearshoring can support decarbonization?

Decarbonization relates to global climate change and means a large-scale transformation for almost all areas of the economy. The required reduction in climate-damaging emissions calls for specific answers in the respective sectors.

The federal government's new climate protection law and the EU Commission's tightening of the Green Deal are increasing the pressure on the German economy to make rapid changes. What is needed are changed framework conditions that create incentives for investors, the expansion of renewable energies, new climate-friendly technologies in the industry, transport and the construction sector, and the conversion of electricity into transportable energy sources.

A significant increase in decarbonization is possible through digitalization because this is the only way to achieve greater resource efficiency.

Many companies face challenges when implementing digital solutions. There is a lack of know-how for developing climate-friendly technologies and products. From the point of view of companies, IT experts will be of particular importance in the next five years, according to a study by the German Economic Institute. The shortage of skilled workers is growing in all IT professions. IT nearshoring is a clear enrichment and can decode efficiency potentials by making the required IT talents available safely and efficiently.

A major obstacle here is often the profitability of climate-friendly business models. Nearshoring helps to achieve resource efficiency and emission reduction economically.

In addition to industry, the transport and building sectors account for a large proportion of emissions. However, emissions from the transport sector have hardly fallen for years. The problems of insufficient housing space and the current energy crisis highlight the problems of the building sector. Remote work, e.g. through IT nearshoring, can make a significant contribution to reducing emissions in both sectors. In addition, the entire infrastructure is relieved in this way.

IT nearshoring helps companies located in Germany to survive in international competition, also with regard to climate protection. Even more, new chances and possibilities open up through climate-friendly business models and increasing the degree of digitalization.

dc nearshoring specializes in IT nearshoring. In addition to competent IT nearshoring advice, we offer an independent B2B marketplace for IT nearshoring service providers and can guarantee tailor-made mediation for specific customer needs.

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