The negative consequences of the shortage of skilled workers for companies in the DACH region

he negative consequences of the shortage of skilled workers for companies in the DACH region are serious and continue to increase, for example:

  • Some orders can not be fulfilled
  • Existing orders are delayed in processing
  • Quality issues
  • Significant delay in our own innovation and digitization projects
  • This results in turnover and profit losses and ultimately considerable risks for one's own competitiveness.


Small and medium-sized companies in particular are suffering massively, as the lesser-known employer brand makes it even more difficult to attract local talent.


Especially in the area of ​​software development and IT, there is an obvious (but not sufficiently used) solution in the procurement of international talent from surrounding countries. Skilled immigration is a slow and complicated process. IT nearshoring is much faster, more immediate and more flexible. Working in partnership with nearshoring service providers offers a win-win strategy and provides a quick remedy for the bottleneck in human resources, in a decentralized and agile way.

By outsourcing entire projects to neighbour countries, or medium-term project support from foreign IT service providers, companies can access a larger pool of highly qualified talent. Companies that are in a growth phase or that want to act agilely and establish flexibility when scaling their projects benefit from this in particular.

Finding the right partner companies represents the greatest risk here.

dc nearshoring works only with carefully selected partner companies that provide excellent IT experts and reliably place customer satisfaction at the centre of their activities. Thanks to our independence on the market and our large network of partner companies we can help our customers significantly reduce the risk of getting the wrong service provider.

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